June 1

The Effects of Quarantine and Marriage

covid divorceThe historical Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down and forced many of us to live every moment of our lives in our homes. This has created an uncharted territory, stirring up new anxiety for those not used to a more quiet life with less social interaction other than family members. This undoubtedly has created a strain on many marriages, for couples not used to spending 24/7 in each other's company. Some experts have predicted a rise in divorces before the end of the year.

At first, the thought of working from home sounded like an ideal vacation; get up whenever you like, wear your pajamas all day, pet your cat at your desk. For many, over the past few weeks, the "staycation" quickly faded into a weird scene from the movie "Ground Hog's Day." Every day feels like the last with no escape in sight. If your spouse is getting on your nerves, you are not alone.

In most families, mom and dad get up, kiss each other goodbye, and go off to their separate lives. They converge in the evening and enjoy the quality time together and cherish each other's company. Now with the stay at home orders still in place, married couples are starting to get on each other's last nerves. They are not used to having their partner around every second of the day. Once happy marriages are beginning to see a strain. Marriages on the rocks have solidified the notion that divorce is the only option to hold on to a little sanity.

When you add cabin fever to financial stress with your spouse crunching Cheetos in your ear, things can seem a little overwhelming. However, there are things you can do to help minimize getting on each other's nerves. Try as much as possible to create your own spaces, especially when it comes to working and downtime. Pretend you are still getting up and going to work, you go to your part of the house, and your spouse goes to theirs. Take solo walks and find a hobby that can be done alone. In the evening, the two of you can come together for dinner and a relaxing Netflix flick.

While making sure you have your own space necessary, it is also a good idea to make use of this time doing the things you always wanted to do with your partner but never seem to have the time. Dance in the living room, play board games with the kids and plan a romantic candlelit dinner under the stars on your patio. This could be a perfect time to reconnect with the person you fell in love with.

The good thing to remember is that the stay at home orders are just temporary. Our lives will return to normal, or as normal as they can get under the circumstances. Kids will hopefully go back to school at the end of Summer, and you and your spouse will get back to a routine of your own.